Курс: «900+ премиальных текстовых эффектов для Photoshop». Шикарная сборка премиум текстовых эффектов. Идеально подойдет для дизайнеров. Сборка от зарубежного дизайнера.
All these text effect Photoshop styles are from gowasome. Great for: font presentations, headers, logo designs, badges, any graphic or typographic projects for web or print!
With this deal you get:
- 900+ premium text effects
- All these text effects are in Photoshop style files *.asl and also layered *.psd files
- All text effects are for Adobe Photoshop CS3 or newer versions!
- exclusive extended license!
- Just one click
- Easy and fun to use
- Easy to change
- High resolution, developed for print
- Excellent for texts, logos, badges, graphics or typographic
- All the layers are well organized
- No skill requirement
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